I was making my rounds the other night and was checking up on Joel and what was going on at BigBadToyStore and I immediately saw something that caught my eye on his home page: It was a spaceship of somekind that looked kinda cool. I'm not really into vehicles and spaceships and what not,but this one caught my eye. As I clicked on it, much to my chagrin did I realize it was a Transformer. Not to be rude as Simon Cowell would say, but i'm not a fan of Transformers. I'm not sure why as what could be cooler than tranforming robots, but I think that the cartoon series ruined it for me when I was a kid. I just didn't like it. I wasn't into it. I never bought any of the toys and I didn't think they were that cool. Recently, however, I am keeping an open mind. More than once did I think about purchasing a Binaltech Subaru Impreza with all the cool race graphics. I have seen some cool Binaltechs of other cars as well. Dunno why I haven't pulled the trigger yet. Well, this may very well change with these previews of the new 6" Titanium figures coming out in May.

Yeah, everyone's been going crazy about these on the fan forums, especially with the midnight sell-out and product entry removal.
Maybe you'll be able to find them at a brick-and-mortar, because they'll probably be over $20 if BBTS lists them again.
I like the WWI Jetfire- kinda looks a bit like the Dreamwave version mixed with the original G1 toy.
wow! that's interesting. Glad I copied the pics before Joel yanked them off BBTS. I like the 6" size, design and detail. For $20 each, i'm picking up a version of each as soon as I can!
Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that the price-jack to $20 is definite from BBTS. But others (and I) have noticed that popular items that sell out in pre-order sometimes reappear later at slightly above ordinary retail.
Btw, great site/blog- I check it often, although I don't normally comment.
Thanks! I'm happy to pay $16-$20 for these figures. They look great and it will be my first foray into the Transformers realm. Aside from Binaltech, I guess I always thought they were crudely made and really for kids as opposed to collectors.
Thanks for stopping by. Your comments are valuable. Keep 'em coming! If you have more news or photos, drop me a line
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